and Mobility
for All
"Safety and Mobility for All" is one of the biggest initiatives to protect children in road traffic worldwide. 1 million primary school children have been educated! We won 1st prize for the best CSR campaign in Europe!
We were responsible for the comprehensive implementation, creation and management of a nationwide educational program aimed at primary school students to promote safety in road traffic and green mobility.
Our tasks included organizing all elements of the program (printed educational packages, e-learning, international competition and school safety clubs), enrolling the schools (including contact with teachers and schools) and producing and creating educational materials.
We were also responsible for promotion: PR and advertising operations, creating and updating the website, public affairs activities, organizing the press conferences and the national competition finals, as well as coordinating the trip to the international finals in Paris, cooperating with experts, industry organizations and institutions.
Over the 14 years of the program, one million students from 5,000 primary schools were educated. At that time, Renault funded nearly 30,000 educational packages, and children submitted 15,195 projects as part of competitions.
The program has won a lot of industry and institutional awards, including the European Excellence Awards for the best CSR campaign in Europe.
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Contact Anna:
+48 666 015 192,