#WhoAreYou educational campaign
The #WhoAreYou educational campaign is addressed to the Polish diaspora and Poles living abroad. Target groups include parents, schoolchildren and students, as well as teachers from Polish schools and educational institutions operating abroad. The goal of the campaign is to promote the Polish language and bilingualism.
To date, there have already been 3 editions
of the #WhoAreYou campaign. Two of them
have been aimed at the Polish diaspora
and Poles living in the East, and one at our
compatriots in Western countries. From the
very beginning, we are responsible for the
creation and all campaign elements.
Our tasks covered the creation, production and
promotion of advertising spots, public relations
and social media activities, organizing webinars for
teachers from Polish schools abroad,
running a grant competition for Polish schools abroad
and a competition for journalists from Polish
diaspora media, cooperation with campaign partners
and experts, activities with influencers, as well
as constructing and updating the website.
So far, all the campaign spots have been viewed on
YouTube and Facebook by 6,545,727 unique users.
In the third edition of the campaign alone, we managed
to exceed KPIs several times. At that time, we generated
300 publications in national, local and Polish diaspora media.
At four webinars we gathered over 700 teachers
from Polish schools operating abroad.
The numbers speak for themselves!
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Want to know more?
Contact Anna:
+48 666 015 192,